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Help provide food and water for older people, like Guyata in East Africa

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Will you help older people provide for themselves and their families?

Over 50 million people across Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are suffering from the worst drought East Africa has faced in 40 years.

Extreme heatwaves have killed millions of livestock and destroyed crops. Many in the region have been left without access to food, water or an income.

Older people are especially at risk.

We have seen that older people are among the worst affected by this crisis, yet their needs are often overlooked and forgotten. 

  • Older people are amongst the most at risk of malnutrition and starvation.
  • Older people are being left behind as their adult children migrate in search of food and water.
  • Older people have lost their livelihoods and have limited access to pensions. In Ethiopia, less than 1 in 10 receive a pension. 

How your donation could help older people.

Your kind donation could help meet the needs of older people and their families. Your donation could help provide:

  • Food that is easy to swallow and tailored to the nutritional needs of older people.
  • Cash payments so that older people can buy the things they need, such as medicine, hygiene items and clothing.
  • Access to safe drinking water, through reservoir tanks and motorised water schemes.
  • Mental health support for those older people living in temporary camps who have fled the worst affected rural areas.

Older people in East Africa shouldn’t be losing their lives to hunger. You have the power to make a difference. Your support could provide a lifeline to those who are suffering. Please donate today.

You could help an older person like Guyata.


Before the drought, Guyata from Ethiopia had three cows and five goats. She was able to generate a small income through breeding the goats and selling milk from the cows. When the drought hit, they all died leaving her with no income. Cash support distributed by Age International changed her life, she was able to buy food and goats to provide her with milk. When she fell ill, she was able to use that money to access to a doctor and buy the medicine she needed.

Your donation could help us reach more older people like Guyata. You could help save lives with a donation today.

Age International is raising money for our East Africa Appeal, to support our work in East Africa for older people and their families. Donation examples are representative of the assistance that older people could receive. Any income not spent after twelve months past the end of the appeal may be allocated to another emergency situation that requires our support.

You are making a gift of £56

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