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on 0800 032 0699

Middle East Humanitarian Appeal

Please donate today

Help provide life-saving support to older people and their families.

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Donation examples are representative of the assistance that older people could receive.

An ongoing humanitarian disaster

Age International welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza. However, older people living in the region still need urgent support.

In times of crisis, the needs of older people are often forgotten. Unfortunately, this is especially true in Gaza and Lebanon. The destruction of homes, infrastructure and roads has left older people in an extremely vulnerable position.

Many older people are now living in overcrowded, inadequate shelters in the south of Gaza. To return home, they must travel up to 25km on foot without proper roads or mobility aids. Our partners have witnessed older people collapsing from exhaustion on their journeys.

Malnutrition is a critical concern, with over 91% of people living in Gaza facing severe food insecurity and not all food aid is suitable for older people. Older people are also struggling due to a lack of medical support. Many hospitals have been destroyed and essential medicine that older people need to survive are in short supply.

How your donation could help 

We are working with local partner organisations in Gaza and Lebanon to scale up our response, providing older people and their families with tailored support.

Your donation could help provide:

  • Food that’s tailored to older people's nutritional needs and clean water
  • Clothing kits for older people to stay warm over winter
  • Tailored medical assistance and medicine for chronic conditions
  • Assistive products such as walking sticks and glasses

Please donate today, even a small donation could make a huge difference.

Age International is raising money together with the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) for the DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal. The DEC is a consortium of 15 aid member charities working together in times of disasters and emergencies. For more information on the DEC and our fellow member agencies please visit Any income not spent after twelve months past the end of the appeal may be allocated to another emergency situation that requires our support.


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