There are relatively few Civil Society Organisations representing interests and aspirations of older people in Moldova, and the few that do exist suffer from limited funding, poor operational and technical capacity and limited staff. Most of the non-governmental organisations that exist offer community based initiatives and services – like clubs for older people, socialisation and cultural activities. There are also low levels of cooperation and engagement between government actors and civil society with regards to policy development and influencing.
To address this situation we are working in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection to create the National Council of the Older People - Consiliul National al Persoanelor Vârstnice.
The Council will help to improve policy dialogue between civil society and public authorities at central, regional and local level i to help improve protection of the rights of older people in the Republic of Moldova.
The Council is:
The Council will engage and collaborate with media agencies to highlight the issues of the older people in Moldova and present the Councils’ positions on various government policy and acts related to the older people.
Its Board will include at least five older people who have necessary experience in the area of public policy and other related areas to ageing (social protection, health, violence and elder abuse).
When selecting NGO members of the Council, we will ensure all areas of Moldova are represented, including the North, Centre, and the South, including, the Transnistria region and the Gagauzia Autonomous territorial Unit.
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